We've all heard legends about humans spirited away by the Fae to be their queens, wives, or consorts. But what happens to these poor women once they are in the clutches of a magical being and trapped in a culture they don't understand? Can they find happiness in a life they can't control?
Hey, guess what? You're my wife now!
The Objective:
To keep the human girl as satisfied and happy as possible to ensure the next generation of Fae are born and raised well.
The Trick:
You cannot control the human girl! She must be cared for by those around her.
The (Suggested) Characters:
1. Create a Fae male in CAS. He can have any traits/looks/lifetime wish. Basically, he is yours to play with!
2. Create a human female in CAS. She may have one trait that you choose. This will be the trait that essentially attracted him to her. Is she a virtuoso? Is she a hopeless romantic? Pick whatever trait you like. However, the rest of her traits must be completely random. After all, our Fae man was so enamored with her, he really didn't bother to get to know her, did he?
That's the enamored face. Right there.
3. Create another Fae, preferably a Female. She can be related to the male, or not, but she can also be whatever looks/traits/etc that you like. She is going to be the human girl's companion, and when the children are born, she will also play nursemaid (after all, it can't be left to a human to raise Fae children!).
4. Create a human of any gender/looks/traits/etc. This human is essentially a slave to the family. It is responsible for all cooking, cleaning, and housekeeping (what Fae would dirty their hands?). If you wish to have a functional family, choose its traits wisely. If you prefer dysfunction... well, here's your chance.
The slave, aka he who wakes at the ass-crack of dawn to make breakfast.
Start your Fae male and human girl as married. The others can have any relationships.
You can add other characters if you wish, but remember, you will have to add children as well. Try to keep your house uncluttered! Any other Sims that you add cannot take care of the human girl. They can interact with her as housemates, but they must have no bearing on anything else (no suggesting/encouraging, for example). Once the children are born, they can fully interact with them, as long as these characters are Fae.
The Homestead:
Use whatever money cheats you so desire in order to create a lavish abode for the family. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when building.
-The human girl cannot leave the house unaccompanied by her husband. Whatever doors you have to lock to keep her inside, do so. You can add a fenced in back yard for her comfort if you wish. If you're in a cage, it may as well be gilded.
-Arrange the house artfully so that the Nursemaid has a room near where the children will be, as well as a way to get out of the house herself. You can keep her door locked to all but her so that the girl does not escape.
-The slave should have a "room" near the kitchen. Keep your Sims close to what they will be doing! Also, if a room is locked to the slave, (S)he may or may not be responsible for cleaning it.
The Gilded Cage
The Starting Point:
You will need to use the testingcheatsenabled true cheat in order to modify the relationships of the characters.
-The married couple need to be returned to "Aquaintance" stage, if not the "Enemy" stage. Remember, they don't know each other, and he took her from her normal life. Is she grateful or resentful?
-The Nursemaid needs to have a negative score with the human girl. She does not like having to cater to a lowly human, no matter how much the male likes his little bride.
Doesn't she look like the sort you want taking care of you?
Feel free to erase the negative moodlets that will result, like "lost a friend". Just ctrl-click on them.
Move the human female into her portion of the house (you can control her for this), then lock the doors and say goodbye to controlling her! From now on, everything must be done by her companions or through free will. You cannot even check her stats. Do not click on her square! (Unless you need to swipe something from her inventory. Sims like to steal things they shouldn't.)
The male Fae needs to have a job (he can't just spend all his time doting on her, can he?). It can be whatever you like, but he must have something to preoccupy himself with. It's technically not a job for money, as they have a lavish home and padded account.
From this point out, just make sure that your human girl doesn't die or get too depressed. After all, you want her to have children and continue the Fae line.
No, really, make sure she doesn't die. Especially by choking.
Other Rules and Rewards:
-The two Fae can leave the lot whenever they choose; the slave can leave the lot in order to complete chores (shopping, etc.). However, the human girl cannot leave the lot until she is best friends with her husband and he has confidence that she won't run away. Then she may only leave the lot if he accompanies her.
-Other than basic cleaning and cooking, the slave can have no contact with the family. They cannot eat meals with them or socialize with them. (They can ask how the sim slept or other "slavely" actions.) The slave most certainly CAN NOT interact with the children!
-All toddlers must be taught to walk, talk, and use the potty. YOU CANNOT INSTRUCT THE MOTHER TO DO THIS. Your nursemaid will really come in handy now!
-Fae children must be on the honor roll and grow up well. Any children who take after their human mother will not be required to uphold such standards. They will most likely become Consorts like their mother when they grow up.
-Following this thought, all human children should become close friends with a Fae of the opposite gender during their teen years. Once they are young adults, they will move in and become their Consort.
-Fae teens have no contraints on what they do other than that they must stay honor roll.
-You may click on the human girl's portrait once a week in order to see how many lifetime points she has acquired and spend them.
-You must birth one fae boy and one fae girl. You may eat fruits to affect the gender. You must keep having children until this requirement is met.
Total BBF's, right here.
-If your human girl and your Nursemaid become best friends, you will be allowed to instruct the human girl to do only ONE ACTION for up to three hours per day, and it must be a skill building one (not "go to the bathroom"). You will also be able to cancel the action once the time is up or the sim pitches a tantrum.
-If ALL your children are Fae (no humans are born) and your human girl remains best friends with her husband, then the human girl may leave the house whenever she wants as long as she has a companion (housemate, horse, kid, etc.). She has proven her worth to the Fae.
-If the husband reaches his Lifetime Wish, he may retire from work and stay home.
-If the human girl reaches her Lifetime Wish, she becomes a controllable character. She has learned to find fulfillment in her situation.
To cheat without actually cheating, give her a LTW related to the guitar. Sims are naturally drawn to the guitar, even when they are about to die of exhaustion.
The challenge is basically over whenever the human girl dies, she reaches her Lifetime Wish, or the children grow up. This is not a challenge to be played for points (though I will add them if you are interested), but rather a storytelling opportunity.