Saturday, May 25, 2013

Snanger Danger (with a heavy dose of distraction)

Is this a challenge? No. Do I care? No. Was it challenging not to throw my computer out the window when it crashed my game about a year ago and I lost these beautiful Sims (and most of their screenshots)? Yes. Quite. 

I was just as shocked as Harry to discover who had taken over my game when I was distracted from the Vampire Coven challenge... perhaps more shocked, as I never expected to see Harry as the consignment store clerk... or in a western get-up. And that, dear readers, is why you turn story progression off.

Fortunately, Mr. Potter was quickly distracted by another customer.

Guess who's clocking out early?

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programming. Snanger Danger occurred in the least expected place ever: the gym. I don't think I have ever seen that in a fanfiction, so congratulations to my Sims for their originality.

However, like most fanfictions, things started to occur alarmingly fast and out of character. Hermione rushed to tell her best friend, Ginny, of her unexpected crush on Severus Snape.

She was not impressed with what Ginny had to say about this startling development. That, and I thought this face was incredibly cute.

So she does what all self-respecting and intelligent woman do when their best friend says "WTF are you thinking?!?!?!?! That's a HORRIBLE idea!" - she rushes off to sleep with the guy. So while I give it a 9 out of 10 for an original meeting concept (1 point off for the improbability of Snape at a gym, but what fanfiction is concerned with improbabilities?), I have to give it a 3 out of 10 for conclusion. Although I think I actually just lost all the plot development screenshots (because I know they dated a while)... oh well. At least it flows like a fanfic. 

Aaaand here's Uncle Siri with his best friend's baby (GAH my Tonks was so awesome and I have no photos of her). So I get an 8 out of 10 for not losing interest after the sex scene. :) Even if it is completely unrelated.

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